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Confetti Dot Sequins Fabric | 3mm Sequins Fabric | 45" Wide | Glued 3mm Sequins Fabric | Costume Cosplay Fashion Decoration |

Confetti Dot Sequins Fabric | 3mm Sequins Fabric | 45" Wide | Glued 3mm Sequins Fabric | Costume Cosplay Fashion Decoration |

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3mm Sequins is a glued on round sequins. Evenly spread with about less than 40" of useable fabric with the balance of selvage edge. The sequins on vibrant and bright with a unique metallic shine. This fabric is used for event planning, decorations, swaging, costume designs and cosplay outfits.
Cleaning Instructions
100% hand wash only. Luke warm water with mild soap only. Hang to dry to avoid snagging and or crushed effect.
Picture Taken
Picture is taken with and/or without flash depending on the color. If you are very particular about the color tone - please order a sample swatch to avoid any issues.
Solid or Sheer
Semi Solid
Fabric Content
100% Polyester
Fabric Weight
Approximately 5 oz per Square Yard. Fabric has a smooth but crispy texture with a very light weight body.
Fabric Width
45" Wide Selvage to Selvage. 40" Wide Sequins to Sequins
Imported Product
Ships from Los Angeles, California within one/two Business Days | Sample Swatches may Ship One Day Later | Let us Know if you are in a Super Rush - We can  Accommodate |


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