Clear Plastic Vinyl is a Clear Plastic that is .25MM thick and measures about 10 Gauges. Clear Vinyl is smooth to the touch. Bendable and non stretch makes it perfect to cover all your applications with. Even great to cover your favorite table, chair and or other spaces int he house from getting dirty or damaged. Cleans easily with a wet towel. Water, mildew, UV (Sun) Resistant and super Flexible.
Cleaning Instructions
Wipe with Wet Cloth.
Picture Taken
Picture is taken with and/or without flash depending on the color. If you are very particular about the color tone - please order a sample swatch to avoid any issues.
Fabric Weight
Approximately .25mm thick and about 10 Gauges. Soft and Smooth hand feel with Medium body weight.
Solid or Sheer
Fabric Content
Fabric Width
54" Wide
Imported Product
Ships from Los Angeles, California within one/two Business Days | Sample Swatches may Ship One Day Later | Let us Know if you are in a Super Rush - We can
Accommodate |